Monday, April 25, 2005


So for the past 2 weeks or so I haven’t made a post. Sure, I have been busy. I had the taxes to do, which I had put off. Again. I’ve been posting for my daughter on her blog, so I haven’t done much on mine. I’ve also been doing some minor things around the house and yard. None of those things have kept me away though. It’s been writer’s block. I’ve been searching for the perfect situation to come up for me to write about how it relates to raising a daughter, but nothing seems to spur creativity. Instead, I have had a last post of April 8th staring me in the face.

Our daughter hasn’t had any major milestones either. Sure, she’s walking around if you hold her hands or if she’s pushing her cart-toy, but she hasn’t taken any steps. She’s still only got two teeth, which keeps us from feeding her much table food. Her vocabulary isn’t expanding, much to Mom’s disappointment (no “Ma-ma’s yet, and Mother’s Day is getting near).

I just can’t find any good material. There’s a new Pope, the Pirates are horrible, and last Friday was Earth Day, but none of this can be used for material. One of our cats has been peeing in our basement, our bathroom still needs to be updated and it snowed this weekend, but these subjects also don’t relate well to the theme of my writings.

There should be some good material on the horizon. At 10+ months, her first true steps have to be close. Her first true word can’t be far behind. June 2nd is quickly approaching and her Birthday Bash is just after that. I just didn’t want it to seem that I’ve been neglecting this blog or that I had given up completely. I just need to get past my writer’s block.


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