Thursday, March 24, 2005

long time, no blog

So I haven’t done this in a while and I guess it’s a combination of being too busy and knowing that there is no (known) audience. But would Hawthorne have stopped writing if he knew no one would read House of the Seven Gables? I doubt it. So after a long hiatus, I’ve decided to pick up the pen (or keyboard; don’t get technical on me) and start this blog back up.

So my daughter, who is the original inspiration for this blog, is now nearly 10 months old and is crawling all over the house and can pull herself up as well. Having a child is the greatest thing ever. I know that is so cliché, but it’s the honest to goodness truth. Work has been pure hell lately, but by the time I get home and see her smiling face (and my wife’s; she’s as great as ever too), I am so happy to know I have her and work is just a memory.

I can also admit, it’s amusing to me that she started making a “da-da-da-da” sound before “ma-ma-ma-ma”. I know she is only babbling at this point, and my wife would be pretty pissed if I gloated in front of her, but I think it is pretty neat. I need to enjoy these things, because I know by the time she’s 14 or so, things are going to start to be different between us. She is, for now (and for some time), Daddy’s Little Girl. I will spoil her until the cows come home.

Some other things I want to note, more for my sake. I’d hate to think I’d forget this stuff, but everyone says you do. First, she’s an angel. Yesterday, after having a play date with Jake, Emma, and Paige, she hadn’t napped and seemed exhausted. Yet, when we went to dinner at Eat-n-Park with “Uncky Bri” and “Aunt Steppy” she was incredibly pleasant. She’s a hog too... last night she downed a jar of sweet potatoes and turkey and chased it with a large container of apple sauce and still drank most of a bottle. My daughter can eat!! J Also, she’s a lot stronger than I thought a 9½-month-old could be. She kicks hard and she’s able to pull and lift more than I would have expected. Maybe it’s normal, but how am I to know. I’m a first time dad, remember?


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