surfer girl
Okay, so she can’t really surf. But Natasha LOVED the beach. She did ride a boogie board. Granted, she only rode it in the super shallow water along the shore and she rode it sitting instead of on her belly. But she’s only 14 months old. Nitpicking aside, the girl loved the ocean.
We went to the beach everyday. She got knocked over by the waves and would scream for a couple of minutes afterward, but she would go running back to the ocean once she was over it. She would sit in the shallow water and just let the waves crash on her.
[Let me make a disclaimer here for anyone who has not been to Hilton Head Island. The waves are very gentle and the surf is not rough.]
She loved the sand too. She didn’t mind it on her hands and legs. She seemed to like the feel of it in between her toes. She let people bury her feet and she loved wrecking the sand castles I made. She didn’t even cry when she got some in her mouth.
We know she loved it because when we got home and watched the video we shot of her on the beach, she went and put on her hat. We wouldn’t let her go to the beach if she took it off and I know she understood that. She also cried a little while we watched—she knew the beach wasn’t just across the street from out house like it was when we were there.
Next year ought to be even better. She will be a year older and will be able to do even more. I’m going to start looking into places to stay right now.
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