Tuesday, June 28, 2005

food fight

The eating habits of a 13-month-old are nothing if they are unpredictable. What Natasha eats one day, she might just spit out the next. Ravioli might be tasty today, but it could end up on the floor where it becomes cat food tomorrow. Chicken is okay some days and not so much on others. Only Cheerios and cheese seem to be the exceptions to this. And switching from formula to whole milk is not going too smoothly.

Don’t get me wrong. There are foods she likes. We just don’t count them as foods since they are junk. Cookies (
Smiley cookies are a favorite), hulless popcorn, freeze pops, and Teddy Grahams have all been a big hit, but Mom and I aren’t ready to make these a major component of our daughter’s diet.

Part of the problem may be her teeth. Or lack there of. She only has two bottom, front teeth (although, one is coming in on the top). So, she either has to bite with her two teeth or mash food with her gums. I’m sure she finds either pretty frustrating.

The good news is that the past couple of days have been an eating boon. Either she’s hitting another growth spurt or she’s realized that she’s only going to get what we serve her until she can fend for herself. She’s been eating Spaghettios, mac and cheese, apple sauce, pita bread, and yogurt. She even like the Citrus Blast ice from Rita’s the other night. Like I said, unpredictable.

That said, she might go into “
Operation: Shutdown” tomorrow. I hope she doesn’t though. It’s been nice having her eating real food.


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