Monday, May 23, 2005

time suckage

I wish I could freeze time. It goes by too fast and it seems to be worsened by having a(n) infant? toddler? baby? in the house.

Which brings me to an aside. What, officially, is a nearly one-year-old considered? She’ll be one in 10 days (10 DAYS?!?!?) Where’d the time go?!? That question segues me right back to the topic at hand.

So much has gone undone. My wife and I just finished thank you cards last weekend. They were from the baby’s Christening. In August. It took us nine months to finally thank everyone for their generosity. We suck. I hope people understand. Our daughter’s baby photo album is stalled at documenting the delivery and my online version is only up to Christmas.

Here’s a look at a normal day. We get up, and while my wife showers, puts on her make-up, and fixes her hair, I make lunches, feed our three cats, get the baby’s bottles and food together, and iron our work clothes. Then, I shower, dress and load up the car while my wife picks our daughter’s clothes, stocks the diaper bag and wakes her up. From there it’s off to Grandma’s to drop Natasha off. Then we speed to the T station. From there I sleep on the trolley while my wife drives to work.

At the end of the day, my commute is more sleeping. When we get home, we make dinner and feed the baby and then play with her on the floor or take a walk. Some nights, I do work like cutting the grass. Then Natasha gets a bath, a bottle, a good night story, and then we put her down for the night.

By then it’s about 9:30 or 10:00. We try to do some things around the house (dishes, laundry, cleaning) or my wife works on stuff for work (she’s a teacher). Some nights I try to get on the computer to blog or just check my fantasy baseball team, and I feel especially guilty doing that if she’s downstairs grading papers.

It’s never-ending and it whizzes by so fast. I wish I could take a week-long vacation to spend time with our daughter, but I know there’d be a gazillion other things that would also need done. I have so much wood in my garage waiting to be stained. The unfinished maple toy box my folks bought the baby for Christmas is still not done either.

I cherish every second with my daughter though. I sometimes wish I had the video camera handy, but I know in the time it would take me to get it ready, she’s be done doing whatever cute thing she was doing. I hope that I remember all the cute little things. Hopefully, I’ll figure out a way to get a chance to write about more of them here soon.